Arthritis and Swelling

Can Athritis Cause Burning Pain Leg and Back: Get Rid of Arthritis Pain.

Have you ever wished that you could turn back the clock on your suffering?
LESSEN the misery of joint pain; IMPROVE joint mobility and stiffness ; REDUCE swellingPROTECT against further damage
…Rewind the tape on your life to that time BEFORE your joints had given up on you…
…when you could move freely, and the pain and stiffness in your hands, knees, hips and back didn’t stop you from doing the things in life that you really enjoy like... 
... walking and cycling for miles, getting the garden into shape, playing rough and tumble with the kids or the grandchildren? Want to significantly reduce your pain and get healthy again, without relying on doctors and pharmaceutical drugs?
Arthritis Free For Life
  1. Eliminate all processed foods from the diet; begin eating foods such as fresh vegetables and salads, brown rice, grain alternatives like buckwheat (a nutrient dense food which you can buy as pasta spirals and tastes delicious), amaranth, millet, quinoa, and seeds. Stop eating white bread and any other foods containing wheat, rye and gluten. Most packaged foods in supermarkets contain some sort of wheat product and other chemicals which may be harmful to your health. Cut out table salt and replace with Celtic Sea Salt, which is moist and gray in colour - it contains important minerals.
  2. Reduce the consumption of red meat  and if possible replace with fish (cold-water, wild-catch, not farm raised fish). Organic meats are best. Remove as much fat as possible, but consume a little macadamia oil or rice bran oil in with your meals. If possible, stop eating white sugar as it places enormous stress on the body and is empty calories instead use brown sugar. Replace sweet treats with a little fruit.
  3. Stop drinking cured teas and coffee and replace with "green" tea, or better still, herbal tea.
  4. Stop eating dairy products including milk and cheese. Low fat cottage cheese may be okay. Free range eggs are okay also, but if unsure, eliminate them for a time and then determine if they have any effect on you when consumed again - you can do this with other foods too. An allergic reaction can be immediate or delayed and may not be noticed for a couple of days or more.
  5. Use probiotic to correct digestive problems. Boulardii strain of probiotic may be useful for Leaky Gut so experiment with different products and find out what is best for you.
  6. Use fish oils as they are helpful to fight inflammation as a treatment cure. The better kind is "concentrated" and more pure as other ingredients are less; so choose the oil highest in Omega3 per 1000 mg; these are available at any good drugstore. You may wish to get a good brand from a naturopath.
  7. Try shilajit which is a natural mineral product with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is inexpensive and works.
  8. Take serrapeptase which is a natural enzyme that "eats" up inflammation in the body and greatly reduces pain.
  9. Support the body to heal itself using mangosteen juice -- a fruit with anti-inflammatory properties.
  10. Apply natural therapies such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that can help one overcome any emotional barriers to getting well.
  11. Use a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, preferably pharmaceutical grade.

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